CEO Introduction

Dong Won Shin
- The world's first 3D Printer source engineer
- Excellence in Lathe & CNC at the 35th Skill Olympics (2002)
- Republic of Korea Navy / 43 Machinery & Machinery (2003 ~ 2005)
- Automobile Research Institute Gasoline Advanced Engine Team (2005 ~ 2008)
- CEO of ElIM Technology (2009 ~ 2013)
- CEO of Corona Co., Ltd. (2013 ~ 2019)
- CEO of Hyundai BS&C Group Hisys Co., Ltd. (2020 ~ 2021)
- Representative of D1 Tech Corporation (2021 ~ 2023)
Main History
- ⦁ Signed a business agreement with Saligo Platform Co., Ltd. ⦁ Youth Forum, 'Burning Man Project'
- ⦁ Constructed sculptures for the four main beaches in Yangyang province contract ⦁ Sejong City Church, 'Staircase to Heaven'
- ⦁ Certified venture companies ⦁ Korea Senior Citizens Holdings, ‘Hwangto Korean Sauna 70,000 Houses’
- ⦁ Produced a 427-ft^2 and a 1,495-ft^2 3D construction printing equipment ⦁ Mabalacat City Mayor Crisostomo Garbo, City Hall Sculptures
- ⦁ Completed the 'Experimentation and Analysis of the Concrete Material Used in 3D Printing'
- ⦁ Signed MoU with Mabalacat City University in the Philippines
- ⦁ Signed LH Dongtan Techno Park Sculpture construction contract (currently in progress)
- ⦁ Signed LH Hanam Misa Central Park toilet construction contract (currently in progress)
- ⦁ Daewoo E&G signed a contract to design a prefab automation system (currently in progress)
- ⦁ Development of Chung-Ang University road structure design and construction support technology (currently in progress)
- ⦁ Sejong City Central Park LH Public Relations Department
- ⦁ Development of 3D printer for architecture and production of architectural sculptures
- ⦁ Sisterhood relationship with the Navy's 2nd Mobile Construction Battalion
- ⦁ Vision Co., Ltd. Manufacturing of subway gates
- ⦁ Production of drainage leak detection robot
- ⦁ Signed a family company with 'Seoul National University of Science and Technology' Industry-University Cooperation Foundation
- ⦁ Production of waterproof monitor for surgery
- ⦁ Iran Middle East Navigation Co-development with MPGio Co., Ltd.
- ⦁ Samsung Medical Center_Manufacture of foldable table for patients
- ⦁ BUK, Russia Manufacturing of Food Machinery Equipment
- ⦁ Crafting an Underwater Crabtor
- ⦁ COLES Co., Ltd._Bus stop spring manufacturing
- ⦁ MBC Dokdo shooting underwater 3D camera production
- ⦁ Jaeryong Co., Ltd. _ high-speed train development
- ⦁ "Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology Co., Ltd., Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co., Ltd., Samsung Techwon Co., Ltd."
- ⦁ Manufactured Kirin vacuum battery packaging line in China
- ⦁ 'LG Display in Paju' base_design and production
With the technology that has been researched and developed over the years,
For the low-income I want to create a happy world where there is light and no debt.