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Indonesia's Ministry of Education & UNESA visits D1 Tech Corporation
Indonesia's Ministry of Education & UNESA visits D1 Tech Corporation
Date: May 24, 2023
In line with its 50 years of diplomatic relations with South Korea, Indonesia made its visit to progress plans for the long-term youth education program, conducted with Korean universities.
Indonesia, together with its Ministry of Labor and Ministry of Education, plans to place Surabaya State University (UNESA) on the forefront to nurture professionals in every field through youth vocational education. In collaboration with Korean universities, Indonesia is planning a program that comprises a language school and 1~2 years of professional education, to be followed by 2 years of employment activities. In addition to supporting its local government and scholarship program, Indonesia announced another visit to monitor the tuition fees, dormitories, and majors once a university in Korea has been chosen. Moreover, it was revealed that this year's Korean University EXPO will be held in Jakarta.
By confirming, through D1 Tech Corporation, the direction and prospect for the active development and use of 3D printing technology, many are awaiting the educational and cultural cooperation of the two countries.